Start by earning an Online Tavern Ranking by finishing in the Top 30 at one of seven Online venues. Play more games and earn a spot on the Online National Ranking, and earn Bankroll Winnings to place you onto the Monthly Bankroll leaderboard.
Online Tavern Rank
Each Online Tavern has its own Ranking (the average of your Top 15 scores)
Online National Rank
Compete Nationally against players from across the country (the average of your Top 30 scores at all Online Taverns)
Bankroll Leaderboard
Players are also ranked by the amount of their Virtual Winnings each month

Over $25,000 in prizes awaits! Compete daily to earn rankings for our Championship events below. Here's how to qualify:

Any Top 3 finish in a Live or Online tournament during the previous month

Top 30% ranked in each Online Tavern*
All Online Taverns have an online Tavern Championship!
*=from each quarterly ranking

Top 30% in Virtual Winnings from the monthly Bankroll Leaderboard

Top 30 ranked in each Online Tavern*
Top 30% of National Online Ranking*
Top 16 from each monthly Bankroll event*
*=from each monthly ranking/event in a Quarter
PLEASE NOTE: Qualifications through Online play are credited to your WTP Online Account. Please log in, click the PLAY NOW button, and go to the Online Lobby. There, you can click on the Account tab, and click Show Tickets to see what you have qualified for.
If you have qualified for the Online TOC via Top 3 finish in a live, in-person WTP game the previous month, your ticket will be automatically added a few days before the event.
If you qualified for the Online TOC through LIVE in-person play but do NOT have an Online account, you must create one and request your ticket.
IMPORTANT: All requests for tickets through new accounts MUST BE MADE by 5pm ET on the day of the event - otherwise, you may not be able to play!

WSOP seats, gift cards, National seats, and medallions - oh my! With over $25,000 awarded every year, there are tons of prizes to compete for.
NOTE: The monthly Online TOC Champion (winner takes all) earns a $500 WSOP Package!

Online Tavern Championships
1st place: National Champ Finals seat, Tavern Champ Medallion
2nd place: National Semifinals seat
3rd place: National Semifinals seat
4th place: National Semifinals seat
5th place: National Semifinals seat
6th place: National Semifinals seat
7th place: National Semifinals seat
8th place: National Semifinals seat
9th place: National Semifinals seat
10th place: National Semifinals seat

Monthly Bankroll Championships
1st place: $500 WSOP Package, Bankroll Medallion
2nd place: $200 Gift Card, Medallion
3rd place: $100 Gift Card, Medallion
4th place: $75 Gift Card, Medallion
5th place: $50 Gift Card, Medallion
6th thru 8th place: $25 Gift Card, Medallion
9th thru 16th place: Medallion
The Top 16 also earn seats to the quarterly National Online Championships!

Online National Championships
1st place: $1,000 WSOP Package, Online Championship Medallion
2nd place: $500 WSOP Package, Medallion
3rd place: $200 Gift Card, Medallion
4th place: $175 Gift Card, Medallion
5th place: $150 Gift Card, Medallion
6th place: $125 Gift Card, Medallion
7th - 8th place: $100 Gift Card, Medallion
9th thru 11th place: $75 Gift Card, Medallion
12th thru 14th place: $50 Gift Card, Medallion
15th - 16th place: $25 Gift Card, Medallion
The Season Points Champion at each Online Tavern will also receive an SPC medallion!
See our monthly and quarterly champions and winners below!

Monthly Bankroll Championships (January)
Online Season Points Champions (November-January Quarter)
Monthly Bankroll Championships (February)
WINNER: StoneTowner - Bruce Furtney
2. dahead03 - Duane Bryant
3. TheArchman - Hans Werner
4. Ksoger - Kim Soger
5. why - Jason Myers
6. PoolShark12 - Jason Andrews
7. Seabass - George Deshesky
8. Sandy - Sandra Walker
9. crusher732 - Thomas Lorenc
10. Russdaman - Russell Picerno
11. MaryB - Mary Malzahn
12. MGisAlive - Mike Gorse
13. Toc - Orin Williams
14. Pokerlady43 - Roberta Roberts
15. BooBear - Kelly Harris
16. fans550 - Donna Malinksi
NOONERZ: rgsay (Rance Strausbaugh)
DAY DRINKERS: MaryB (Mary Malzahn)
HANNAH'S: rgsay (Rance Strausbaugh)
TWISTED RIVER: MaryB (Mary Malzahn)
LATE NIGHT MUCK: MaryB (Mary Malzahn)
ALLIGATOR BAR: rgsay (Rance Strausbaugh)
WEEKEND WARRIOR: rgsay (Rance Strausbaugh)
WINNER: LittleD - David Maroney
2. Ericw2676 - Eric Witkowski
3. Jahurley - Jake Hurley
4. dad2mands - Gene Lee
5. GoToLeep - Dan Hignight
6. rgsay - Rance Strausbaugh
7. Texastwig - Melissa Stampf
8. NotoriousRGA - Roger Downes
9. why - Jason Myers
10. StoneTowner - Bruce Furtney
11. Mboo - Michelle Booth
12. Sasha001 - Sherrie Arnold
13. Aloha - Dianne Maher
14. Paul65 - Paul Hunt
15. SandyM47 - Sandra McMahon
16. Ksoger - Kim Soger

Online Tavern Champions (February Events)
Quarterly National Online Championship (Nov-Jan)
Monthly Bankroll Championships (March)
NOONERZ: PapaSal (Salvatore LaMastra)
DAY DRINKERS: cmlhntr2016x (Bill Brox)
HANNAH'S: super007 (Lenny "Doc" Superville)
TWISTED RIVER: Vickit13x (Vicki Thompson)
ALLIGATOR BAR: dad2mands (Gene Lee)
WEEKEND WARRIOR: Gman1956 (Gary Thurmond)
WINNER: gary - Gary Garcia
2. geomorgan - George Morgan
3. PokerDonkey - Jason North
4. Tupelohoney - Mary Beth Butler
5. ldiddy - Larry English
6. PocketDux - Breck Schwartz
7. Ladyv1625 - Linda Vaughan
8. DaveHead - David Head
9. ToeJoe - Larry Farley
10. davnkat - Kathy Bond
11. McClu - Linda McClure
12. Zsharpy - Sharon Trammel
13. BKrywko - Brian Krywko
14. Schalupa - Somer Chalupa
15. dawna - Dawna Ford
16. skyblue - Donna Owens
WINNER: angiemeade - Angela Meade
2. Ericw2676 - Eric Witkowski
3. GoToLeep - Dan Hignight
4. ZoMann - Sharon Trammel
5. RodSams - Rod Sams
6. dawna - Dawna Ford
7. NeeNee211 - Stephanie Neenan
8. Ludwig18 - Gary Ludwigsen
9. lumber557 - Don Guiton
10. crusher732 - Thomas Lorenc
11. why - Jason Myers
12. jmbvegas2 - Jeannette Bloedorn
13. LisaMc - Lisa McCabe
14. super007 - Lenny "Doc" Superville
15. dad2mands - Gene Lee
16. Aloha - Dianne Maher